FRIENDS of a Royal Marine from York killed in Afghanistan have returned from a £100,000 dream holiday to Las Vegas he paid for as his final wish.

David Hart, 23, of Upper Poppleton, took out life insurance before he went to Afghanistan and stipulated that his childhood mates should use a chunk of the £250,000 policy to fly to Vegas if he died.

David, of 40 Commando, became York’s third victim of the conflict when he was killed in a blast in Helmand province a day before his 24th birthday in July last year. A poignant letter, left only to be opened if Marine Hart died, stated that some of the proceeds from the policy should pay for 32 friends and their girlfriends to take the holiday “as a last gift on me”.

Because the story had also hit the headlines in America, the group was contacted by dozens of hotels and casinos on their visit last month, who insisted on giving them VIP treatment for free.

David’s best friend, Andy Hare, was reported as saying: “It was like something out of a film – incredible from start to finish. Out of ten, I’d give it 11.

“We were treated like royalty and didn’t want for anything. Thanks to Dave’s generosity, we’ve all had a holiday none of us will ever forget.”

David, who lived in Upper Poppleton with parents Chris, 60, and Dilys, 54, was very close to the group of friends he had grown up with.

His dad said: “I think they have had a good time. The fact that he thought about his friends says a lot about the group of friends which he had from a very early age, from when he was about five or six when he met them at primary school in Upper Poppleton Infant School and at Manor CE School.

“It’s a comfort that people remember him for nice things.

“Obviously it’s upsetting, but we now know that he had a lot of friends, and close friends, and that says a lot about David.

“He could communicate with people and that was one of his gifts.”

David also left money to the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, which helps wounded and retired marines.

He had studied horticulture at Askham Bryan College, and went on to become a landscape gardener for two years before deciding he wanted to become a marine.

York Press: The Press - Comment

The best friend

DAVID Hart was a hero in battle and a true friend to his mates. So much that he put aside enough money from his life insurance policy to allow 32 childhood friends and their girlfriends to have a dream holiday “as a last gift on me”.

They have just returned from Las Vegas where, when the story broke, hotels were so touched they gave the group VIP treatment for free.

This is a remarkable story – sad and warm, but ultimately a heart-rending tale of someone who at his funeral was described as “kind, loving and thoughtful”.

As 32 of David’s friends will testify, that is an understatement.

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