VIKING warriors faced their foes during a re-enactment of the Battle Of Stamford Bridge.

Members of the Volsung Vikings recreated the momentous battle which saw the Saxon army clash with the Scandinavian invaders in 1066.

Saturday’s event, held at the town’s cricket ground, marked the culmination of several days of activity including displays of combat, history talks and activities for members of the public to get involved.

Warriors displayed the weapons they used and showed how they fought, while children were also able to join in warrior training and take on the Vikings themselves.

Visitors could also make their own Viking coins and take part in crafts and games.

Andy McKie, group leader of the Volsung Vikings, said: “It has been absolutely brilliant. We had 13 living history structures and for the big battle we had 70 warriors on the field. We had a good turnout of spectators who came to see us and have a good time.”

On Sunday a wreath was laid to remember the fallen. The Battle Of Stamford Bridge preceded the Battle of Hastings, at which William the Conqueror was victorious, changing the course of British history.