A FEMALE student has raised more money than her male peers for “Movember” with her paint-on moustache.

Rebecca Irwin, a third-year student at the University of York, has raised more than £200 for charity by painting a different moustache on her face each day with eyeliner.

Rebecca has donned several different styles of moustache, including the Clark Gable, the Poirot and the Handlebar moustache. She is also considering replicating Ned Flanders’ and Hulk Hogan’s moustaches. While her moustache is not worn 24/7, Rebecca has made an effort to always wear it while on campus. She said: “I did wear it to my seminar a couple of weeks ago and my tutor did look a bit perplexed, but he announced it to the class and they all donated.”

While her housemates have enjoyed getting involved in picking her out moustaches, Rebecca has found the experience of walking round with a painted-on moustache uncomfortable at times with many people stopping to question her.

She said: “To be honest, it can be really awkward when you’re walking by yourself, but at least it’s raising awareness.” Rebecca is part of the University’s RAG team, which are currently ranked second in the national Movember University Challenge for raising the most money.