MALTON and Norton Golf club's strength in depth was illustrated by a superb victory by upcoming ace Chris Halley.

The youngster, who has just broken into the York Union of Golf Clubs' Yorkshire Inter-District League team, won the York Union's match-play championship after a stunning display at Fulford GC.

The final proved a contrast in experience with youngster Halley up against Pike Hills GC stalwart Russ Chilton, winner of the match-play title in 1999.

The lead was exchanged between the two after the opening brace of holes before Chilton increased the pressure to take a two-hole lead by the seventh. However, errant drives at the next two holes by Chilton ensured the duel was at level pegging at the half-way point.

It was now the turn of the long-hitting Halley to turn up the heat and wins at the tenth, 12th and 13th holes put him three up.

A half at the next hole and a win at 15 sealed Halley's triumph 4 and 3.

Earlier Halley had disposed of Malton and Norton club-mate Elliott Burdett one-up in the semi-finals, while Chilton defeated Malton and Norton's Stewart Parkin - the 2002 and 2003 match-play champion - 2 and 1.