YORK’S annual Viking invasion has created a combination between Norse history and a traditional fairy story.

A key event in this year’s Jorvik Viking festival saw youth and experience come together when Phillip Sherman, of Booster Cushion Theatre, and several young helpers performed Eric the Red Riding Hood at the Early Music Centre, in Walmgate, York.

The play involves the heroine of the story encountering a myriad of characters in a humorous retelling of Little Red Riding Hood.

The Viking festival in York is currently in full swing, following its official start on Saturday.

Its many events have included performances such as The Viking Song – A Quest for Freedom, as well as theatre shows.

David Scott, head of marketing at the York Archaeological Trust, said: “The festival is going extremely well and there is still an action-packed week ahead.”

One of the events planned this week is a recreation of a Viking wedding.

The festival is due to conclude on Saturday, with activities for the day including a ferocious Viking battle.