AT THE height of last winter The Press published my letter in which the impact of severe weather on the security of power generation was the topic.

Mention was made of the German decision to abandon nuclear fuel.

I suggested that with wind power, in particular, being an unpredictable, therefore unreliable power source, then Germany’s love affair with and reliance on green “solutions” was unlikely to prevent future Volk frostbite. Therefore not an approach the UK should emulate, even if our maritime climate is, ordinarily, less severe than mainland Europe’s continental extremes.

Now it seems that the penny, or Eurocent, has dropped... and Germany finally “gets it”.

There really is scope for Press readers to grasp Germany’s current dilemma. Then, perhaps, to become increasingly concerned about the UK Government’s apparent procrastination over a decision to buy into the next generation of nuclear-generation.

Nick Blitz, South Lane, Haxby.