PEOPLE are being asked to share their memories of the St Saviourgate area of York as Unitarians compile a history of their chapel and nearby buildings in the area.

“Collecting days” are being organised at the Unitarian chapel in St Saviourgate between 11am and 3pm on Friday, July 20, and again on Saturday, July 21.

“Anyone with stories, maps, photos, newspapers, paintings, or other artefacts and information about the chapel and nearby areas is welcome to come to these two ‘collecting days’”, said Dee Boyle, one of the organisers.

“We hope to collect enough information to form the basis of a display for the public to enjoy over Heritage Open Days weekend – September 8 and 9.”

She said the chapel would photocopy and/or return items that anyone wished to keep.

For more information, phone another of the organisers, Claire Lee, on 07930 275 889, or go to