A RECENT study by Cambridge University, reported in The Observer newspaper, says that if the UK economy stays stagnant, 27 per cent of people will be in “mortgaged home ownership” by 2025, compared to 43 per cent in 1993/94 and 35 per cent currently.

This alarming drop in home ownership will result in a massive swing to the private rental market in the coming years.

There is nothing wrong with renting per se, but what is needed is much greater regulation of what remains a very loosely regulated area particularly compared with other areas of Europe.

Tenants face many discretionary charges at the start and throughout the tenancy. Tenants also face insecurity from lack of tenure and above-inflation rent increases.

As more families end up in rented accommodation, it is important they have assured tenure to give stability to children, who can end up being moved from school to school if their lease ends and they cannot move within the same catchment area.

I have started an e-petition on the government website calling for greater regulation. If you share my concerns please consider signing at epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/34810

Andrew Collingwood, Main Street, Elvington, York.