A CHARITY shop has been decorated in eye-catching sunflowers to celebrate the work of St Leonard’s Hospice and to encourage new volunteers.

The walls of the shop in Waterloo Lane, Pocklington, are covered with the sunflower art work made by local children, including pupils at St Mary’s and St Joseph’s VA RC Primary School and Kiddies’ Corner Day Nursery.

Helen Moreton, the hospice retail manager, said: “Our volunteers are a great crowd and they make friends with each other and with the customers. Our Pocklington shop manager Pam Smith would love to meet anyone who feels they could volunteer some time to work in the shop. It’s really part of the Pocklington community, and it raises funds to help the hospice’s important work of caring for local people.”

Anyone who would like to find out about volunteering at the shop can call in to see Pam Smith, the manager, or phone 01904 409 152 for more information.