AN almost Old Testament figure, this lank-haired poet still rails at injustice.

Banga is her first since 2004, and essentially more of the same; cerebral rock and roll for Guardian readers and reformed punks.

While her writing and poetry is acclaimed, here it falls short of startling and even with the skills of her long-term band, the results are no better than mixed.

The paean to Amy Winehouse, This Is The Girl, is strong and enjoyably retro sounding, while the epic Constantine’s Dream is a more acquired taste, better suited to a live setting.

The anger of Fuji-San (about the tsunami) is tempered with a child chorus version of Neil Young’s After The Goldrush to end proceedings on an oddly sweet, optimistic note.

Overall, Banga is incoherent, suggesting an icon in need of a fresh challenge.

• Patti Smith plays Leeds O2 Academy on September 9.