IT’S known to thousands of revellers as Silks and The Gallery - but now one of York’s best known nighclubs is changing its name.

The Clifford Street bar and club will now be known as Kuda following an online poll and consultation with members of the public.

The new name will go alongside the relaunch of the club, following a £750,000 refurbishment which has seen the building almost completely gutted.

Dave Harrison, general manager of the venue said: “After speaking to over 1,000 people both in person and on Facebook, I’m delighted that the name Kuda was the favourite. The new bar and club will be for the people of York, so it’s only right they should choose the name – I believe it reflects the cutting-edge experience Kuda will provide for its customers.”

He said about 26 skips had already been filled in the demolition process.

The club is due to open at the end of August or beginning of September.