THE man who taught Batman to fight has visited York to get tips on running his martial art school.

Fight choreographer Andy Norman has worked on blockbusters including The Dark Knight Rises, Mission Impossible 3, and Clash Of The Titans, and came to the city to visit York’s One Martial Arts school.

Andy helped develop the Keysi fighting method, in which competitors use their environment and waste as little energy as possible per move, and approached Lee Mainprize, founder of the One Martial Arts School to find out about improving his martial arts classes.

Lee said: “I used to train with Andy quite a few years ago, and I’m now a consultant for people in the fitness and martial arts industry.

“I have a curriculum which people use for their martial arts schools and Andy has quite a large school, and wanted to improve the quality of his own schools.”

Lee, who has worked in the fitness industry for more than 20 years, said they discussed possible developments for the school, including a new style of learning.

He said: “We’re working on an animated programme which we call edutainment. It blends learning, games, apps and videos, to make learning more visual and instructive. The animated characters deliver the messages to younger learners, making it more exciting and relevant to today’s market.”

The One Club is offering free taster sessions to York residents in martial arts.