Since the news broke that Dr Michael Mosley, famed for his Just One Thing podcast, numerous books and the Fast-800 diet, passed away last week, his everlasting life lessons have been making headlines.

Affectionately known as a 'health guru', the documentarian and journalist shaped the way Brits thought about their health for decades.

As the sun starts to creep out, getting our bodies in shape for summer can be a concern and a challenge. But fear not, Dr Mosley had a spare tip - or 16 - because when was he not?

16 things to do every day according to Michael Mosley:

He previously told The Times: "You don’t need an overhaul of your life to feel better. Small changes can yield big benefits in terms of better mood, improved sleep, a sharper brain and reduced risk of disease."

1. Have one to three cups of coffee a day — but not first thing

2. Stand up for two to three minutes every hour

3. Reset your brain — practise slow breathing every day

4. Eat oily fish twice a week (and no, tinned tuna doesn’t count)

5. Have a nap after lunch — perfect for heart health

6. Do two minutes of squats and press-ups every day

7. Spend a few hours each week in a green space — and use all five senses

8. Eat an apple a day (unpeeled) to lower blood pressure

9. Take a brisk walk within two hours of waking — it will help you to sleep better

10. Turn the tap to cold for ten seconds at the end of your shower to boost your immune system

Recommended reading:

Dr Michael Mosley: Alcoholic drink that can improve health

Dr Michael Mosley: Getting slim easily in time for summer

Dr Michael Mosley: 30-second morning trick that extends life

11. Sing for five minutes a day to relieve pain

12. Stand on one leg while cleaning your teeth to improve balance

13. Enjoy some breakfast bacteria to boost your mood

14. Buy some plants for your house — you’ll need five in a room for best results

15. Dance for five to ten minutes a day

16. Set your alarm (at a random time of time) for a spot of mindfulness

He continued: "The ideas in my book Just One Thing: How Simple Changes Can Transform Your Life are all quick and simple scientifically proven ways to improve health and wellbeing in a sustainable way.

"I am so convinced of their benefits that many of them now form a part of my daily routine."