A man accused of murdering two people – one in Whitby – brutally attacked them and ransacked their homes, a court has heard.

James Allen, 36, is accused of murdering Colin Dunford, 81, and Julie Davison, 50, in April this year.

Newcastle Crown Court was told that the motivation in both incidents was robbery.

Robert Smith QC, prosecuting, said: “Colin Dunford was attacked and killed in his home in Middlesbrough on April 22. Three days later on the morning of April 25 Julie Davison was attacked and killed in her flat in Whitby.

“The two of them had no connection with each other and nothing to suggest they knew each other.”

Mr Smith told jurors that after Allen committed the murders he left their homes and locked the doors behind him.

The prosecution said Allen, of Lothian Road, Middlesbrough, went on to steal from both homes what money he could find and other possessions he was interested in.

Mr Smith said: “Having killed Colin Dunford in his home, the defendant left Middlesbrough and travelled on a bike first to Whitby and then Scarborough and then back to Whitby. There, once more needing money, he entered Julie Davison’s flat and killed her.”

He is then accused of leaving her home with her money, her laptop and some jewellery, which he would later sell. He was then eventually arrested in Leeds and charged with both murders.