FIREFIGHTERS are warning people to take care when out and about in the North Yorkshire countryside – which is bone dry following a spell of scorching spring sunshine.

North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service (NYFR) has issued the warning following a recent spate of moor fires throughout the county.

The fire service said each year fires destroy thousands of acres of countryside and wildlife habitats, with many due to carelessness with discarded cigarette ends, barbecues and open fires.

There are about 100 grass, forest and moors fire within North Yorkshire every year, varying from minor grassland fires which require the attendance of one or two fire appliances, to major fires requiring the attendance of more than 20 fire appliances and specialist appliances.

They can involve up to 120 personnel over a many of days, covering a large areas and costing in excess of £300,000.

Due to a recent period of dry weather, the Fire Severity Index for the countryside is classed as high, which means the risk of a fire starting is increased.

Peter Hudson, group manager for NYFR, said: “When fires start on moorland or in forestry, the resource implications for the fire and rescue service are huge.

“We face many difficulties when dealing with countryside fires. Access difficulties, location of water supplies and the length of time on scene often commit large numbers of our resources for days at a time.

“Although we are experienced and equipped to deal with these types of incident, our aim is to prevent fires before they start.

“We are looking to the public to help us and enjoy the countryside safely and responsibly.”

NYFR has issued the following countryside safety points:

• Extinguish cigarettes and other smoking materials properly.

• Never throw cigarette ends out of car windows.

• Do not light barbecues or open fires on or near moorland areas.

• Keep young children and ball games away from barbecues.

• Ensure that your barbecue is fully extinguished and cold before disposing of the contents.

• Do not leave bottles or glass in woodlands. Sunlight shining through glass can start large fires. Dispose of glass appropriately.