YORK City has announced their financial figures for the 2022/23 season - showing an major increase in their club turnover. 

The financial figures for the year ending June 30, 2023, have been revealed on the club's Company Houses profile, which shows improvements in the club's financial state. 

York have reported their club turnover as £3,846,725, an improvement on the previous £2,415,765 from the 2022/23 campaign. 

The club has reported a gross profit of £1,121159 from the previous year, which itself had seen a gross profit of £535,622. The club has pointed out that it refers to the tenure of former owner Glen Henderson as majority shareholder, and therefore does not involve the current ownership of Matt and Julie-Anne Uggla, or the new, unnamed silent partner of the club, who was announced on Tuesday afternoon.

This figure demonstrates the revenue figures received by the club, which is on the higher ends of the Vanarama National League scale. 

However, York has reported a loss of approximately £2701 a week. 

This information comes from the total comprehensive income for the year, whereas in 2022, there had been a reported profit of £6,224,606, which was mostly aided by the club's promotion back into the National League.

York's wage bill for the 2022/23 season has also been revealed, with the club paying £32,758 weekly.

When approached by the Press for a comment, the club said: "These are pre Matt and Julie-Anne numbers so we shouldn’t really comment on them."