ADAM HINSHELWOOD has been spending his Summer moving house, enjoying a holiday and seeing family - but his focus has been shared with a recruitment position.

Following the departure of David Stockdale as Head of Recruitment, York City are yet to appoint a replacement, despite bringing in seven new players so far this Summer.

That work has come directly from Hinshelwood and his coaching team, assistant manager Gary Elphick, and first-team coaches Cameron Morrison and Tony McMahon.

The York boss remains pleased with the work his team have produced so far, and provided an update on any potential incomings.

“We’ve sort of just been doing it ourselves, that’s one way I have spent my Summer,” Hinshelwood told the Press.

“We’ve been doing it ourselves by watching players and watching clips.

“There are a lot of players that we know about and believe in, we’ll look to that up and running because myself, Gary, Cam and Macca have been talking throughout the off-season and have taken over on the recruitment side.

“We’re responsible for all of the players that have been brought in.

"I had a week away, that’s all I’ve sort of managed. We’ve had to fit that in with the kids having school and stuff, I’ve spent quite a bit of time up here, managed to get the paint brush out on the changing rooms and down at the training ground.

Adam Hinshelwood has been hard at work making new signings. Picture: York City FCAdam Hinshelwood has been hard at work making new signings. Picture: York City FC (Image: York City FC)

"We just want to make it a good environment for the boys, so if I have to get a paint brush out then I will do that.

"We’re nearly there, the family are moving up in August, we’re getting our house sold down South and we want to invest in the area and move up, things like that.

"We’ve been sorting pre-season, and the training sessions that will go out, take it from there.

"We’ll monitor that, do some testing, we’ll see where the players are at.

"Some may need a little bit of time to get the work into their bodies, some may have hamstring injuries and need to adjust."

Hinshelwood issued an update on any incomings, explaining that he would not bring in any additional players unless they fit City’s vision.

Hinshelwood continued: “There’s still scope for one or two, we get offered players all of the time but we don’t want to just bring any player in.

“Ideally, we want to bring in the best young talent that is under-24, work with them but we’ve also got some good senior players with the likes of Paddy [McLaughlin] staying.

“We’ve got a good balance.”