CAMERON JOHN has assured supporters that he will give his all when representing York City.

John made his trial period into a permanent move after featuring for York in three separate pre-season friendlies, impressing when appearing in the left-back position.

Manager Adam Hinshelwood had previously outlined his intentions to bring in a comfortable left-back, which had been identified as a position that requires improvement, with former Rochdale, Doncaster Rovers and Wolverhampton Wanderers full-back John his target.

John was unveiled earlier today as part of the club’s open training session, which was attended by supporters and included picture opportunities, live music, as well as activities for any young fans.

The 24-year-old defender expressed his delight to be a York player, and spoke on what he believes he can bring to the table after a ‘smooth transition’ throughout his trial period.

“I am delighted to be here. Obviously I’ve been here for a couple of weeks with the boys, but I’m just happy to get the deal done finally and officially,” John told the Press.

“Everyone has been perfect, they have been great. It’s a great changing room, there’s great staff and they have been ultimately so, so good with me.

“They made the transition so smooth, so easy, and I cannot thank everyone at the club enough.


“The fans, the teammates, I’ve just got to repay them now and give them my all, show them all the hard work that I can give.

“I’d say that I have got a lot of energy, I like to get forward and I like to defend.

“I like to keep the ball, but first and foremost I give my all for the club that I play for, so they don’t have to worry about my effort.

“I will give 110 per cent each time that I step out onto the field.

“I think it’s quite exciting, obviously the crowd and the fans get behind the team and that is what you want as a player.

“You want the crowd and the fans to be behind you. I can’t wait to play in front of them actually for them, I’ve played against them, but I can’t wait to hear them cheering us on throughout the season.”

John underwent a trial period whilst with City but admitted that he never really felt as if he was under any pressure, which allowed him to perform to a high standard during pre-season.

The 24-year-old also spoke on York’s left-back situation, which currently sees Adam Crookes, Leon Gibson-Booth and Paddy McLaughlin as back-up options, with Thierry Latty-Fairweather available for transfer.

John confessed: “Yeah it was [strange], but it was quite seamless to be fair.

“The boys took me in quite well, the staff and everyone at the cub really took to me.

Cameron John made his trial period permanent earlier today.Cameron John made his trial period permanent earlier today. (Image: Tom Poole)

“It was just kind of the perfect fit so the trial wasn’t too bad, everyone’s made me feel really welcome and I’m delighted to get it done.

“I don’t think too much about pressure.

“You can’t put too much pressure on yourself or you can’t perform, like I said the environment I came into kind of made it less pressure so it wasn’t too tough.

“I’ve seen and heard about the whole left-back situation!

“Ultimately it is pressure that you have got to play with, I just want to give my all, show that I work hard, show that I will give my all for the team and for the club.

“That’s first and foremost, hopefully my performances can live up to what they expect.

“I prefer left-back, growing up I did play centre-back and as I have got older, I’ve kind of moved and transitioned into left-back.

“I’m happy to play in both and I’m quite comfortable in both, so wherever the gaffer wants to play me, I’m happy to play there.”

John’s move to York will have been aided by the recent acquisition of winger Tyrese Sinclair, with the pair playing along the left-wing for two years whilst at Rochdale.

With Vanarama National League and EFL experience under his belt, John hopes that he will be able to offer a lending hand to his new City teammates, should they need it.

“Ty was a great help to be fair, he made me settle in a lot easier as well.

“Ty was a great help, and it obviously helps to have a familiar face to make it quite an easy transition.

“I have played against quite a few of the lads before which wasn’t too bad, they’re a great bunch of lads and it should be good.

“As a young player I played in the EFL and I played quite a few games, so hopefully that can help the team and obviously push the team forward to whatever goals we aspire to.

“Hopefully I can use that around the changing rooms to help anyone else out.”