RYAN FALLOWFIELD is determined to continue learning his trade at centre-back, whilst speaking of a different feel to York City this season.

Fallowfield remains confident at centre-back after initially operating in that role for the first-ever time last March, and producing impressive performances throughout pre-season in a more central role.

With York’s season-opener approaching this Saturday, August 10 (3pm) with the visit down to Southend United, Fallowfield spoke to the Press on City’s preparations, as well as the impact of Adam Hinshelwood with a full pre-season under his belt.

“The standards have been massively raised,” Fallowfield commended to the Press.

“Since he [Hinshelwood] has been here, he demands so much from us and doesn’t accept mediocrity.

“He wants every training session to be a high intensity, he wants the standards around the place to be top and it just drives us on.

“I can’t wait, I’m looking forward to it. It’s been a tough off-season, with my missus having a baby but I’m just getting to grips with it now.

“I’m looking forward to the season starting, pre-season has obviously been tough, but I feel like we’ve had enough games now where we have tried to implement our style of play, which is good.

“I never played centre-back until the gaffer put me there against Aldershot at home last season.


“I kind of feel like I’ve taken it into my stride a little bit, it’s a new position that I am willing to learn.

“To be honest, I’m quite enjoying it in there.

“Last Saturday against Notts County I played full-back, and I turned to Callum [Howe] and said that I felt a little bit lost!

“I’ve been really enjoying it, and whether I am put in there or am put in full-back, I will just give my all for the football club.

“He’s not specified a certain position for me, if I’m called upon and the team needs me at centre-back then I know that I’ll go out there and do the best that I can. That’s all you can do.”

Since Fallowfield’s transition into centre-back, and the departure of Michael Duckworth in the off-season, City have recruited full-back Joe Felix from Worthing, who has impressed throughout pre-season.

Fallowfield has taken Felix under his wing since his arrival, even helping the new addition find a place to stay, and spoke on York’s recruitment under Hinshelwood.

Hinshelwood admitted: “He’s one of the boys that I have probably clicked with the most since I’ve come in.

“Clicked is probably the wrong word, but I’ve got along with him and have helped him a lot, I know he’s been trying to find a place more local and I’ve been trying to help him with stuff like that.

“We’ve kind of taken to each other quite a bit.

“When we walked over that white line, Joe told me that he would die for me out there, and I said exactly the same back to him.

Ryan Fallowfield has been enjoying the impact of Joe Felix at York City.Ryan Fallowfield has been enjoying the impact of Joe Felix at York City. (Image: Tom Poole)

“We’ve got each other’s backs, and again I’m not picking him because we play in a certain position, as me and Callum get along really well as well.

“Like I said, there’s no clicks or anything like that, everyone is just working really hard for each other and hopefully we can kick on next week, when it comes to the 10th of August.

“There’s been quite a big transition in terms of players coming and going, I feel like the lads have bonded really well.

“There’s a lot of boys that have come from down South, there’s a lot of boys from up North but we all seem to be gelling quite well together.

“Everyone has been mixing and getting along, it’s clear to see in training and in the games as well.”

Fallowfield would go on to discuss the recent open training session and the opportunity for young supporters within the Junior Reds to meet players.

The York captain enjoyed the experience, and is glad to see the Junior Reds initiative thriving after its recent absence.

“It was nice, it was good for the kids to meet us upstairs and to get their own opportunity to get to meet each and every player individually," The City man enthused.

“I think that the Junior Reds is a good thing, I know that someone was saying today that it’s not happened in quite some time.

“But it’s good to bring more children and families into the stadium, so that they can enjoy it as much as they can.”

Fallowfield also addressed supporters ahead of the season-opener, as well as the recent positive atmosphere surrounding the squad.

Fallowfield continued: “I know that they’ll come in their numbers, that’s a fact.

“Like you said before, there’s a different feel around the place, I’ve been here for two years now and this is probably the best it has felt, and the season hasn’t even started.

“I would just say to come in your numbers like you always do, and give us your best support, like you always do.”