YORK City have appointed Tony McMahon as the club's new Director of Football

McMahon, 38, initially joined York in March 2023 prior to the arrival of majority co-owners Matt and Julie-Anne Uggla, performing in the role of assistant manager to former City boss Mikey Morton. 

The dismissal of Morton from his position in August 2023 saw McMahon move into the interim management role, overseeing the first-team in a disappointing 4-1 collapse to Ebbsfleet United. 

Morton's replacement was unveiled as Neal Ardley, who arrived with his own assistant manager in Neil Cox, but opted to keep on McMahon in a coaching capacity. 

McMahon remained with the club following the sacking of Ardley, and remained in a coaching position under the tutelage of Adam Hinshelwood.

It is McMahon's first time working in a Director of Football role, which has been vacant as of late, with the former defender having experience of playing for illustrious clubs such as Middlesbrough, Sheffield United and Blackpool. 

McMahon confirmed that the role had been offered to him by the Uggla's, and expressed his excitement at the opportunity presented to him.

The Director of Football enthused: "I'm really excited.

"It's a big role but one that I'm really looking forward to.

"I feel really honoured to be honest to be asked by the owners to step up to the role.

"I'll give it my all like I have throughout my career.

"I've been well known for working hard and this role is one I'll be working really hard on."

Co-Chair Matt Uggla also commented on the new position for McMahon, saying: "It's a lot of the day-to-day stuff around the first team, the academy, contracts, and all other stuff that 'Macca' has already been doing all summer.

Matt Uggla believes that Tony McMahon can drive the club forward.Matt Uggla believes that Tony McMahon can drive the club forward. (Image: Tom Poole)

"We came in [when purchasing the club], and at that point knew very limited about the league, and that's not me saying we know a lot about it now!

"I think everyone knows we got ourselves into a bit of a mess last year, and we were scrambling to figure out how we get out of that mess.

"The person who we turned to at that point, which fell into place, was 'Macca'.

"He was absolutely instrumental in the summer to turn us around to where we are right now, which is in a far, far better place than we were 12 months ago, and even towards the end of last season."

Uggla hopes that with McMahon's help, the backroom staff will be able to push the club forward.

"It's taken us a year to get to where we are in terms of personnel, and everything around the club.

"We've learned a lot that we want really good people in and around you that put the club first.

"In 'Macca' we have someone who has been here since the day we came in, and has been fantastic every step of the way.

"Anything he's been asked to do, he's stepped up and done it and done a fantastic job.

"He has a lot of skills that I don't, which are useful for me, or else you get yourself into a pickle.

"We've spoken at length, and this is something which isn't a short-term project.

"It's someone who I like working with, and who I think can really drive the club forward."