YORK RUFC kicked-off their season with an impressive 28-7 victory over Alnwick.

York brought with them a large number of supporters some of whom had decided to make a weekend of it and who provided vocal support throughout the game.

It had been a long time since York managed a win at Alnwick, with last season being a close encounter at the Northumberland side.

York kicked off and immediately put the home side under pressure and after only five minutes, a charged down clearance kick allowed fly half Harry Shackleton to score in the corner. He slotted over a very difficult conversion and the score was 7-0.

From the kick-off, York took the ball out of their own half; a home player was guilty of foul play and received a yellow card.

York soon had a penalty and Shackleton took the easy three points on offer and after 15 minutes the lead was now at 10 points.

Alnwick then came more into the game, enjoying more possession and time in the York half. A penalty attempt from the halfway line failed, but a further York infringement allowed the home side to kick to the five metre line, and only very strong defence kept them out.

Play then went back to the Alnwick 22 and a further infringement allowed Shackleton to add a further three points to take the score to 13-0 after 30 minutes.

Wing Peplinski moved to scrum half. The change did not affect York’s play, and they spent the majority of the rest of the half in their opponents 22 and only desperate defence kept York from adding to their score which remained at 13-0 heading into half-time.

It had been a very good half for the away side. The scrum was solid, the line out functioned well, the defence was excellent, and both the forwards and backs handled and ran with the ball with confidence.

Instead of taking the points on offer they took a scrum which York defended and quickly took play to the home side’s 22 where they conceded a penalty.

York kicked to the five metre line but lost the line out. Play remained in the Alnwick half and after 15 minutes, a good break in the centre saw the ball reach wingman Peplinski, he showed his pace and scored in the corner. Shackleton missed the conversion. The score now 18-0.

From the kick-off Alnwick conceded a penalty, York kicked to their 22 where the home side infringed again, and Shackleton had no difficulty with the kick and the lead was now at 21 points.

York soon conceded a penalty after a scrum, allowing the home side to clear. The chance appeared to have gone but from a very untidy York scrum 30 metres from the home sides line the ball squirted out and wing Ashman, out of nowhere, was away down his wing and under the posts. Shackleton had no problem with the conversion. The score now 28-0 after 33 minutes.

To their credit, Alnwick kept at it and spent the rest of the game in the York half and eventually the pressure told, and they scored in the corner. The difficult conversion was kicked to take the score to 7-28.

It was almost the last kick of the game which ended without further score.

A very good all-round performance from York who thoroughly deserved the win.