BAFFLED York City boss Billy McEwan has urged three of his most promising players to take a reality check after they turned down contracts.

McEwan's delight at City's Young Player of the Year Darren Hollingsworth signing first-year professional terms the centre-back joining fellow youth-team graduate Alex Rhodes in putting pen to paper has been tempered.

McEwan is bewildered at the decisions of Byron Webster, Nathan Kamara and Arran Reid to reject professional terms at KitKat Crescent.

He said: "Alex Rhodes is a young boy who came into my office with a smile as big as the River Thames on his face because he was delighted to get the opportunity to become a professional footballer.

"Darren Hollingsworth has also signed, which is good as he knuckled down in the second half of last season, did well and earned himself a year's contract.

"But I have also got young players who have turned down professional contracts and I think they will be in for a culture shock if they don't sign.

"I've just come back from a PFA (Professional Footballers' Association) meeting and I think that these players need to ring them to see how many people are out of jobs this summer who still want to be footballers. A lot of players don't get another chance.

"Finances dictated that a lot of our young players have had to leave the club, which is the hardest part of my job so it disappoints me that some of the young players we have offered contracts to have turned them down.

"Some of them have been given six months rather than a year because I'm still not sure about them but they haven't been released and have another chance. If they kick on, their contracts will be lengthened.

"We have had players who have come here on non-contract terms and on a month-by-month basis so six months is enough to prove your worth."

McEwan has also warned the teenagers they could be making a mistake if their decisions have been influenced by financial considerations.

He said "They might think they can get better money elsewhere but I don't think they will. Money was not important to me when I was a youngster. Yes, you need some to live on, but I was just glad to get the opportunity and knew, if I worked hard, then more money would come.

"They might say they won't be getting enough money but I think they are forgetting which league we are in. We are in the Conference and the club is trying to get back on its feet."

Webster, Rhodes and Kamara have all tasted first-team action with the Minstermen, while Reid has been a regular on the City bench. Hollingsworth is yet to figure in a Conference squad.