JONATHAN Cooper has won Easi-RockIts’ Players’ Player of the Year prize for a second time.

In a close contest, Cooper topped the poll for his outstanding play and organised captaincy of the club’s HellFighters’ Rock-It-Ball team.

The Player of the Year award, meanwhile, went to 2009’s Newcomer of the Year Callum Abbiss, who has fulfilled his early promise with selection for the Great Britain youth squad.

Luke Turnbull’s emergence as one of Easi-RockIts’ strongest members saw him named Most Improved Player and Marcus Exelby received the Coaches’ Special Award.

He was also Player of the Tournament at the English National Finals.

Easi will be training with York Rock-It-Ball club at Joseph Rowntree School over the summer holidays before pre-season training begins again at Easingwold School on Monday, September 6.

For further information phone Paul Hildreth on 01347 848232 or email