THE first Fijian to land a scholarship to a British school has arrived in North Yorkshire.

Young rugby union star Filimoni Savou is spending a year at Terrington Hall School on a scholarship programme.

The 13-year-old was hand-picked following a request from the London Fiji High Commissioner, Pio Bosco Tikoisuva, to the Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) to nominate a candidate.

Savou is the son of former Fiji sevens coach, and player, Josateki Savou.

A talented union player, the teenager has also shown his ability on the track – having grabbed gold medals in the 100 metres, 200m and 4x100m for Veiuto Primary School at the recent Zone 2 FMF Chow Games.

Contact was made with Tikoisuva through local author, and Terrington parent, Charlie Charters, a former rugby union official and sports marketing executive, who had worked with Tikoisuva at the FRU.

As an undergraduate in the 1970s, Tikoisuva played for Harlequins, and was subsequently captain of the Fiji team that beat the British & Irish Lions in 1977.

Savou was put forward for the scholarship by FRU senior development officer Oscar Umuumulovo based on his outstanding play during the U12 Fijian rugby team’s victory in last year’s test against Tonga.

He was nominated also because of his academic promise.

Savou, whose departure for England on a scholarship has attracted front page news and prime-time television coverage in Fiji, arrived at Terrington Hall on Tuesday in the London Fiji High Commisioner’s car accompanied by Semesa Sautu.

Terrington headmaster John Glen said: “I am thrilled to welcome Filimoni to the school and I hope that he is the first of many Fijians to have the opportunity to study at Terrington as part of our scholarship programme in the UK and internationally.

“We have a long tradition of welcoming pupils from overseas.”