York City Knights are likely to use the occasion of Mark Cain's testimonial match to launch a new-look ex-players' club.

There is already an ex-York players' association but that is primarily for players who played for the old York club and has dwindled in recent years, partly due to having few links with the new club.

But this will now be merged with a new fellowship for ex-Knights players. All ex-players of either York club are invited to sign up.

Funds from the match will also go towards forming the new association.

"It's one of JG's (Knights chief executive John Guildford) ideas," said Cain.

"To bring former players back into the club to get them more involved again.

"Given the service they gave to the club and the commitment they showed, they deserve it, and setting this club up will be a big bonus from the day. It will be good for ex-players to still feel part of the club."

The York Rugby League Players' Association will be meeting next Tuesday, January 9, at Acorn Social Club at 7.30pm). For further details contact association secretary Denzil Webster on 01904 791510.