MARK APPLEGARTH believes that he is beginning to see relationships being built throughout the core of his York Knights squad.

Injuries throughout the 2024 campaign has seen Applegarth forced to play some of his players in unfavoured positions, a factor which he was concerned could affect those relationships within his squad.

But the recent link-up play within his team has pleased Applegarth, who refused to use injuries as any excuse, with the Knights Head Coach happy with how his squad have adapted.

“It’s at that stage of the year where you do want to get those connections, and to have that understanding in each other,” Applegarth explained.

“It’s just the nature of the sport. Every team is going to get injuries from the top of the league to the bottom. It’s just a case of who deals with those injuries best and doesn’t use it as an excuse.

“Obviously certain injuries are going to impact you more than others, like down the spine, but it depends on whether you have full faith in your squad or not.


“If you’re having to constantly change your 1’s, 6, 7’s and 9’s then it affects your tempo.

“I’m really happy with how our lads are adapting to that, we’ve just got to make sure that we don’t get complacent and that we understand that the hard work that we are doing out on that training field is giving us the performances on a Sunday.”

Applegarth singled out the relationship between Ata Hingano and Sam Cook as an example of a blossoming relationship.

The Knights boss believes that due to the pair previously playing together at New Zealand Warriors, that they understand one another’s game better.

Applegarth said: “They played together in under-20’s rugby at New Zealand Warriors, I believe.

“They know each other and how they play, so it was a natural replacement for us with Ata being back, for Cooky to drop back there.

“Young [Jack] Potter is still learning his craft and it is going to be important that we look after him and decide what games we play him in, instead of just throwing him in there when there is nobody else.

“We’ve got full faith that he will carry on developing.

“With a player like Sam Cook, he can control the game. I thought that his kicking game was outstanding again, he is obviously a very experienced player and I think he complements Ata well.

“Liam Harris is a big blow for us, losing your captain, but it’s not bad when you can call on a player such as Sam Cook to fill in that combo.”

Applegarth has faced issues in the centre position since his arrival due to injury, but has been impressed by the impact of Nikau Williams during his time slotting in there for the Knights.

Nikau Williams has impressed Mark Applegarth.Nikau Williams has impressed Mark Applegarth. (Image: Craig Hawkhead Photography)

Due to his good form, Applegarth admitted that he isn’t even sure what Williams' preferred position is.

“I don’t know [Williams’ best position] if I’m honest, because I really liked him at centre.

“It’s fair to say that we’ve been struggling for centre positions. Oli Field has been putting his hand up and doing a job there, we’ve got young Joe Law that has come in and it shows you that we need some depth in that position.

“I really like what Nikau offers, he’s a competitor and he’s got a lovely set of hands on him, as you’d expect from him, being a pivot.

“His biggest strength is that wherever you play him, he will give it everything he has got.

“I really liked him at centre as well, he’s doing a really good job at full-back for us.

“Hopefully we can get Dags [Will Dagger] back soon and that will free Nikau, touch wood that we don’t get anymore injuries, so that he can go back into that centre role, all being well.”

Newcastle Thunder loanee Alex Donaghy has been of discussion recently with York lacking in his position.

However, Applegarth confirmed that he was not intending to recall Donaghy, and that he had been impressed with Joe Brown, who recently penned a two-year contract extension.

“Alex doesn’t come down and do training with us, he was out of the equation,” Applegarth confirmed.

“I don’t mean that as a dig, I just don’t know too much about him, he stays up in Newcastle."

“Browny has been doing an absolutely fantastic job on the wing, he’s in a really rich vein of form at the moment and I don’t really want to change that.

(Image: Craig Hawkhead Photography)

“Nikau was the obvious choice, being a half as such, or predominantly a half, but we could put him back there and keep that attacking impetus that we want through our 1’s, 6’s and 7’s, and I don’t mean that in a nasty way to Browny.”